
Come, Worship With Us

We have one worship service with Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m.

All are welcome to join us for worship.

Note: Masks are not required. You are welcome to wear a mask if you so desire.

For those members who are unable to attend, we will continue to offer on-line worship services via Zoom . These Zoom worship services are recorded and are available HERE.

Welcome to Feast of Victory Lutheran Church

“You’re welcome here just as you are—made in God’s image and likeness.”

These are the words of welcome I share at the start of each Sunday morning worship service. Here at Feast of Victory Lutheran Church, we are committed to living authentically into our calling as a Christ-centered community of faith. Jesus calls us into expansive thinking, living, and learning. We strive to be open in body, heart, and spirit to this call.

At “Feast” we recognize that everyone who comes through the doors does not have the same experience in church—and that’s ok. If we were all the same, we might certainly risk becoming complacent.

Haley Vay

As an ELCA congregation, we are committed to worshiping Jesus through the ministry of word, sacrament, and service. We celebrate age, gender, ethnic, physical, and neuro-diversity. We acknowledge that everyone brings a variety of gifts to the table. We seek opportunities to learn and grow in faith and love toward God with one another.

I invite you to come as you are and witness the joy and support of faith-filled community at Feast. We worship (in person and online) on Sundays at 9:30am (and on Wednesday evenings seasonally throughout the year). Children and grown-ups of every age, stay for fellowship, coffee, tea, conversation, Bible study. Check out the present opportunities for connection and let us, together, faithfully consider the future of the church.

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Haley Vay Beaman (she/her/hers)